🍁 Looking for Canada Open 2024 photos?

Photos are now live! More will be uploaded in batches as I have time, please contact me to discuss projects or ask.




Hello there,

I'm Hamish 👋

As someone growing up in one of the most technologically volatile times in recent history, I believe that it is important to be curious and endeavour to keep learning. I value attention to detail and determination, and believe that any project can be possible with the right skills and people, which is why teamwork is the key to success.

I enjoy taking in a wide range of topics from history and graphic design to photojournalism and physics. I am currently studying a bachelor of Physics and a certificate in digital journalism while taking astroparticle physics research with P-ONE, and recently quantum photonics research with SQT.

In my personal life I enjoy landscape and nature photography, as well as hiking in B.C.'s natural forests. During the winter I try to find time to relax and ski the mountains or read an interesting book. I also like experimenting with programming python and c++ to develop my own projects and expand my coding vocabulary or more tactile physics experiments on my own time.